
Industry dynamics
Rizhao Xinwei Machinery Parts Co., LTD
Contact:Manager Xu
Add:Zhailihe Town Industrial Park, Juxian County, Rizhao City, Shandong Province
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Industry dynamics

How to choose the right metal hose

時間:2023-11-29 點擊:86次

How to correctly choose a metal hose, there are mainly the following points:

(1) Nominal size hose, select connector type (flange connection, thread, fly joint cohesion) and metal hose size, hose length.

(2) The pressure according to the hose practice, then inquire about the corrugated metal hose pressure gauge, and decide to use stainless steel mesh sleeve type of metal hose.

(3) The characteristics of the medium hose in the chemical medium, according to the corrosion function of the hose material, each part of the tube material.

(4) the scale of the operating temperature and indoor temperature of the hose medium; Hose operating ambient temperature. At high temperature, prepare according to the metal hose operating pressure and temperature high temperature correction coefficient, get the temperature pressure correction, decide to choose the correct pressure.

(5) According to the conditions of hose use, refer to the best length and hose for accurate use of metal hoses and equipment when compensation. Various movements of hoses. In addition, accounting for the length and small number of meandering hoses and small radii and other elements, select the hose length parameters accurately and correctly for the device.

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